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Dr. Munawar Ahmad Anees Statutory Declaration


I, Dr. Munawar Ahmad Anees, NRIC No: 480927-71-5139, of No.
474, Lorong 17/13A, Happy Garden, Petaling Jaya and of Kajang
Prison (Banduan No. BKJ 7175/98 HL) do hereby declare and
state as follows:

1. At about 10.30 a.m. on 14 September 1998 I was at home at
No. 474, Jalan 17/13A, Happy Garden, Petaling Jaya.

2. I had just started checking my email on the computer when
I noticed that about 10 to 12 people had suddenly come into
the compound of my house. The front main gate into the house
was open at that time. I heard the noise of people inside the
house. I came down from the first floor of my house and on
the way down told my wife, Nadia, that lots of people had
suddenly come to the house. She came down as well.

3. As soon as I entered the main living room on the ground
floor, one man from that large group came to me and
identified himself as Inspector Mazlan. He said that he was
arresting me under the Internal Security Act for posing a
threat to the national security of Malaysia. He immediately
handcuffed me. By now I noticed that some from that group of
people who had come in had seated themselves on chairs in the
living room while others were talking to my driver.

4. The entire group were in plainclothes and had no visible
identification on them that they were police officers. I was
not shown any warrant for my arrest. No one produced any
search warrant.

5. As soon as I was handcuffed one person who did not
identify himself asked to go to my study. I asked for my
handcuffs to be removed. He refused. About 5 to 6 of them
then went to my study. The way they walked about in my house
indicated familiarity with the place. They entered my study
without my permission and ransacked the entire room. They
went through everything there: all the drawers, my computer,
the software, papers, magazines, books, everything that was
there. This exhaustive search took them about an hour. They
were careless and rough in their search and showed no regard
for things. They removed everything that they could take:
videos, audiotapes, faxes, disks, books, photos, magazines.

They even opened several sealed letters that had just come
with the mail. They took things from inside drawers, from the
bookshelves, from within files. They took my tax returns and
my personal and family photographs that were there.

6. At one point one of the members of that group asked about
the room that faced the study. I told him it was my
daughter's room. Several of them went into that room but I do
not know what, if anything, they removed from that room.

7. My wife was with me all the time. She was frightened and
terribly shaken at what was happening to us in our own house
and was trembling. She was holding onto me and we were both
trying to encourage each other, she more than me because I
was already suffering from heavy palpitations at this point.

I asked her for some water. She got me the water.

8. The police placed all items taken from the first floor of
my house and my study in a cardboard box which they had
brought with them. They took me down to the living room and
there announced that they were taking me away. I was never
told what my offense was and I was never shown any search
warrant or warrant of arrest.

9. I turned to my wife and held her. She was on the verge of
tears and my parting words to her were to be strong.

10. I did not see my wife again after that until 19 September
1998 when I was taken to the court by the police.

11. The police bundled me out of my house pulling me along by
the handcuffs. I was placed in the back of an unmarked Proton
car which had been driven into the compound of my house.

Inspector Mazlan sat in the front passenger seat of the car
and two other officers sat on the back seat with me, one on
either side.

12. After about a half hour drive I arrived at what I think
was the Travers Road Police Station. The entire team of
police officers got down from the car and once again I was
bundled out of the car. The rest of the group of police who
had been at my house also arrived there shortly after that.

13. My breathing at this time was labored as my palpitations
had worsened and my arms had gone numb. I complained to
Inspector Mazlan but he ignored my request that I needed
medical attention for my heart condition.

14. I was taken into a room somewhere within a building at
that Police Station. There in that room I was left standing
while one of them emptied the contents of the cardboard box
onto a large table and started to group and separate the
things they had taken from my house. Inspector Mazlan then
started writing a list of the items and when he was finished
he asked me to sign several documents. I was neither given a
copy of these documents nor was I allowed to read them. I
have no idea of what was recorded on these documents and
whether the list prepared of the items taken from my house
was in fact a complete list.

15. All throughout this process I was left handcuffed and

16. When they had finished one of the officers seated at that
table turned to me and told me, once again, that I had been
arrested under the Internal Security Act but he gave no
details of the offense or any reasons for my arrest. He just
told me that I was a threat to Malaysia. I could not
understand this at all as I have never in all my years in
Malaysia involved myself in anything that could be described
as a threat to the country. He then wanted my personal
particulars and started taking them down. He asked for my
personal particulars and my family's particulars. This
officer never at any time identified himself. He wrote down
all that I gave him on some paper and asked me to sign. When
I asked to read what had been written he just snapped at me
to sign and not to interfere in his work. I signed.

17. All this while my palpitations were causing my breathing
to be very labored. I complained once again that I needed
medical assistance. This request was ignored, again, but I
was given a glass of water and a cigarette to smoke. I felt
strangely lightheaded after the cigarette.

18. I was kept in that room all the while.

19. A little later another police officer brought in a typed
document which he said was the official police report. It was
in Bahasa Malaysia and again I was told curtly to sign it. I
did so. I was not allowed to read it and it was also neither
read nor translated to me.

20. All the things taken from my house were then placed back
in the cardboard box. When they were done Inspector Mazlan
came over to me and said that I was now being handed to some
others. He did not identify them but added that I would be in
safe hands and that I must cooperate with them. He then left
the room.

21. After Mazlan left two of the men who were there in that
room came over and held me in a tight grip so much so that I
could not even struggle. A third man came over and
blindfolded me. I was then led out of the room and guided and
dragged into some sort of a vehicle. The entire exercise of
getting me into the vehicle took some time. My vision was
completely blacked out by the blindfold. It was necessary to
climb up some steps to get into the vehicle and while the
officers tried to guide me, I found my feet and legs suddenly
heavy and weighed down. I found it difficult to walk and an
effort to move. I was finally placed in a cage-like metal
contraption in that vehicle. This contraption, which I
examined with my hands, was triangular in shape and very
small so much so that I could only crouch in it. I was left
alone for a while in that cage in the back of the vehicle. It
was hot and airless in there. After sometime I heard the
sound of an engine starting and then the vehicle moved off.

22. I think the vehicle traveled for about 30 to 40 minutes.

At the end of the journey, when it stopped I heard sounds of
metal doors being opened and footsteps coming into the
vehicle. I was pulled out of the cage and then out of the

23. I had no idea where I was.

24. Still blindfolded and handcuffed I was led/dragged away
by two men. I heard other footsteps around me at this time
but no one spoke to me or amongst themselves. I recollect I
was taken through several doors because I heard them being
opened and shut. They finally stopped and someone removed my
blindfold and handcuffs.

25. I found I was a small room. There were four men in that
room. They were all in plainclothes and they immediately
adopted a very aggressive confrontational stance against me.

They were exceptionally rude and coarse in the language they
used. They asked me to strip naked. I tried to resist but had
no option but to accede to their request.

26. My clothes, slippers, watch and glasses were taken away.

27. One of them then took then took my fingerprints. It was a
long session as he took multiple impressions on some 10 or so
forms or other documents.

28. I was then weighed.

29. All the while these things were being done the four men
kept making disparaging remarks in a dismissive humiliating
style. I was pushed against a wall and my height was taken.

30. I was then given a dark blue loose pajama type of pants
and a T-shirt and told to get dressed. I did so. I was again
blindfolded and handcuffed and then taken through a series of
doors and probably up a flight of stairs.

31. I was finally pushed through a door and when my blindfold
was removed and my eyes adjusted to the light I saw that I
was in a cell of approximately 8 feet square. There were two
wooden platforms placed against the cell walls, one on each
side. There was no other furniture of any sort. The cell had
no window and ventilation was through two tiny ratholes at
the bottom of one wall. There was no bedding or blankets.

There was a small thin towel on one platform and beside it
was a plastic bowl. The room was brightly lit by an overhead
light that was never switched off throughout my stay there.

The glare of the light could not be avoided from any position
in that small cell. There was an old vent on one wall that
made a continuous horrendous grating sound. This vent did not
seem to be moving any air about and was also never switched
off. No sound from outside came through the door. The cell
was literally soundproof though at times I thought I heard
the sound of coughing and heavy breathing as I was led out of
the cell to various other places.

32. Before my captors left the cell I was told, again rudely
and in a dismissive style, that I had henceforth no name or
identity, that I was number 26 and that I was only to answer
to that number each and every time it was called.

33. About 10 to 15 minutes later the door of the cell was
slammed open and a man walked in and shouted out `26'. I was
slow to respond and was severely reprimanded for that. I was
again blindfolded and handcuffed, led out of the cell and
moved about 10 paces or so. When my blindfold was removed I
saw I was in another room. There was a man with a camera
there. My handcuffs were removed and about 20 to 30
photographs were taken of me from various angles. I was then
again blindfolded and handcuffed and returned to my cell.

34. Whenever I was in the cell a small viewing hatch on the
door was opened every few minutes to check on me.

35. About 10 to 15 minutes later, I can only guess as to the
time, the same guard again entered the cell calling me by my
number `26'. I was once again blindfolded and handcuffed and
made to walk about ten paces or so. When the blindfold and
handcuffs were removed I saw I was once again in a room. This
time there was a chair in the middle of the room. The chair
had arms but no back. I was forced to sit in it and, against
my will, shaved bald. I was then given a dustpan and a small
broom and asked to sweep up my hair. When I resisted I was
made to do so by my captors.

36. When I had finished sweeping up my hair I was once again
blindfolded and handcuffed and returned to my cell.

37. Within a space of a few minutes - I had hardly time to
sit on one of the wooden platforms - there was a loud knock
on the door and it was violently swung open. This ritual of a
loud knock and the door being violently opened was followed
each time I was taken out of my cell.

38. This time the guard walked in, looked at me seated on the
platform and shouted that I was rude at not having wished
him. I was warned that I was to get up and greet whoever
entered the cell. Once again I was warned that if my number
was called I was to respond immediately.

39. I was now directed to take a bath. I was not asked if I
would like to take one. I was directed to do so. I was given
a small thin towel and a little piece of soap. I was not
blindfolded or handcuffed but was told to keep my head down
and not to look up. I was led out of my cell and one of the
guards walked beside me forcibly keeping my head bent down. I
walked down a long narrow corridor. There was just enough
light in the corridor to walk by. On one side of the corridor
I saw about 5 similar doors like those on my cell. At the end
of the corridor there was a bathroom. I was asked by the
guard to switch on the light in the bathroom. When I did so I
noticed a sink and a squat toilet that had no door. There
were protrusions on the wall from which presumably water was
to come.

40. As I got ready to take a bath the guard yelled at me to
get on and to hurry up. The water was very cold. I started my
bath but when I was halfway through it and while still having
soap on my body he stopped me and then got me to dress and to
get out of the bathroom. I forgot to switch off the light and
the guard became angry and screamed at me that he wasn't
there to serve me. I was rushed back to my cell with my
clothes still damp. All the way back my head was once again
kept forcibly down so that I couldn't look up.

41. The one vivid memory I have of that dark corridor is that
of a single waste basket outside one of the many doors - the
only sign that I saw during my stay there that perhaps I was
not the only occupant in this hell.

42. A short while later the door opening ritual was repeated.

I stood up to meet the guard. He walked in, handed me a small
packet, said nothing and left. When I opened it I saw that it
had a little rice and a small piece of fish in it. I couldn't
eat the fish. I tried it and it had a peculiar rancid taste
as if it was off. I ate some of the rice. I had hardly done
that when the door opened again. I stood up and the packet
was removed.

43. By my estimate the time would now have been about 8 to 9
p.m. on the night of I was arrested. I thought that I would
now be left alone. I was tired, dazed and disoriented, still
having very heavy palpitations and labored breathing and
intensely worried about my family. The heavy feeling in my
legs and lightheadedness had returned after the rice meal and
I felt very lethargic.

44. Once again there was the now familiar bang on the door
and my number `26' was shouted out. I stood up. The door
opened and this time two guards walked in. I greeted them.

They did not speak. They first handcuffed and then
blindfolded me but this time the blindfold was different. It
consisted of black glasses that wrapped around my eyes and
blinker-like sides that completely cut out all light. I could
see nothing.

45. They led me out of my cell. They held me for a short
distance and from then on gave directions and allowed me to
grope my way. They were always by my side or a step behind.

They always asked me to open doors. We went up a flight of
stairs - there were 50 steps over five landings. At each
stage one of the guards would position my cuffed hands on the
railing and ask me to follow it up. I was told to count to
ten steps and then turn to my left. I think I walked up 5

46. After the 50th step I was asked to stop. One of the two
swung me around and punched me in the stomach and said that
he was `Mr. Nice Guy' and that I was `Dr. Feel Good'. I was
then turned around again and pushed against a door and asked
to open it. I did so and when told went inside. One of the
guards came from behind and adjusted my blindfold partially.

I could see where I was from the corner of my eyes and
partially from below the blindfold.

47. I was taken through a series of doors and then through
something that had the appearance of a long dark corridor. I
saw a red light at the end, somewhat like red light that one
sees in a photographer's darkroom. On the left there were
some doors. I had the distinct impression that there was an
abyss on my right side and that if I took one step wrong I
would fall into it. I was told to turn to my left. I did so.

My handcuffs were now taken off. A moment later one of the
guards took my blindfold off. I saw I was facing an open
room. It was brightly lit. I was dazed, fazed out, blinded by
the intense light and for the first few minutes after the
blindfold was removed could make no sense of things.

48. When I was finally able to focus I saw four stonefaced
expressionless men seated on chairs behind a table. The two
men on either side looked Chinese, the one in the middle left
Indian and the one other Malay. My guards left me standing in
front of the table. There was silence in the room.

49. Suddenly the Malay man thumped the table and shouted at
me in Bahasa Malaysia. I did not understand him and
apologized in English for not being fluent in Bahasa. The
Malay man then switched to a mixture of Malay and English and
abused me for not speaking the language. He repeatedly kept
saying `fuck', `fucking' as he abused me. The other three
joined in as well. This went on for something like 20 to 30
minutes. I tried explaining that I could write and read Jawi
but that as most of my work was in English and that all my
friends spoke English there was never any great need to
become fluent in Bahasa. After about 30 minutes or so the
four of them stopped and the Malay officer suddenly slammed
the table again and shouted at me in English that I had no
manners, that I had entered a place where there were four
seated officers and I had not greeted them. I was startled by
his actions. I apologized to him, said I was sorry, that I
had lost all track of time and place, that I did not know
what to say to them. The Malay man stared at me and then said
in Urdu "thum bahat jau" - you sit down.

50. From then on my interrogators abused and assailed me
mainly in English.

51. There was a small double conical plastic stool in front
of the table. It had no back or arms. I sat on it and found
that it was unstable and rocked and swiveled at even the
slightest move. I was unsteady on that stool and one of the
two Chinese men shouted at me to sit properly. I tried to
explain but before I could even do so he shouted, "Learn some
manners, otherwise things are going to be difficult for you".

I apologized to him and said, "Sorry, sir, the stool is
52. There was then suddenly a barrage of questions directed
at me. One interrogator would ask a question, I would be in
the middle of my answer when another would cut in with a
second question. I would turn to the second officer and the
third would attack me with a different question. I would turn
to the third and the first would yell at me demanding his
answer. As I tried to recollect my thoughts between the
first, second and third questions, the fourth officer would
cut in with yet another question. The questions were never
related, there was no link between them though they were all
directed at my personal particulars, about my work, something
about everything but nothing indicative of any subversive or
criminal activities. This style of questioning was
consistently followed throughout my interrogation there
though at times some of the interrogators would leave the
room leaving behind two and, at times, one interrogator. I
can only guess they went to rest but they never let me rest.

53. While this was going on I heard the door behind me being
violently kicked open. I turned and saw a man walk in. The
four behind the table stood up. The man who walked in was
carrying a thick heavy file. He walked up to me and hit the
back of my head with the file and then shouted at me that
they knew everything and that there was no need for me to
misguide them or to hide. He said that they knew everything I
did with Anwar. When I tried to protest that I did nothing
except help write speeches, this officer menacingly said " I
am giving you 24 hours. Within that period come up with what
we want or we will be very very nasty with you." He went on
to say that his superiors wanted the information from me
within 24 hours, that by tomorrow they must complete the
matter. He then hit the back of my head again with his file,
thumped the floor with his shoes, shouted `Hidup Malaysia',
turned and left. The door was heavily slammed shut behind

54. When this officer left the room the Indian-looking man at
the table pointed at me and warned me that the officer who
had just left was the top-notch officer and added `You know
what he wants. He wants facts, information. We want facts." I
again protested that I had done nothing irregular but they
were not interested in my protestations and continued
haranguing me. They alternated in questioning me about my
personal particulars, about my family, my work, regularly
interspersing the barrage of questions with warnings that my
arrest was under the Internal Security Act because I was a
threat to the national security of Malaysia, that under the
Internal Security Act I would never be bailed out and that no
lawyer could ever see me.

55. They would then switch to telling me that the Internal
Security Act was not punitive but preventive, that they had
invoked it in order to prevent perceived threats to the
national security of the country, that I should not feel
ashamed of my presence there before them, that they had
arrested members of Parliament, Chief Ministers and other
high profile figures. They described to me an attempt by a
person known as Kitingan who tried to secede from Malaysia.

56. In between all the verbal abuse, threats and advise, the
Malay officer tried to impress me with his knowledge of Urdu
by the use of the odd word or two or by singing a snatch of
some Hindi song.

57. I kept telling them, whenever they would let me, that I
had made no attempt to attack Malaysia, that I had done
nothing illegal or criminal and could not understand my
presence before them and for their treating me in such a
humiliating and degrading manner. They never answered me on
that but would always turn things around and tell me that I
was at a transit station and that my presence there was a
favor to me and my family. One or other of the four would
always warn me that if I did not co-operate I would be sent
to a detention center for 2 years and that the detention
would be further extended in 2 year multiples. I was
repeatedly told that I would never see my family again and
that I should consider this opportunity a blessing since
everyone was giving me a chance.

58. I couldn't understand what they wanted and what was this
chance they were giving me. I would tell them this. They
would then emphasize, in turn, repeatedly, about how senior
people had been arrested for their own rehabilitation. They
warned me that my perception of no wrong was mine and not
necessarily correct, that in someone else's or his (the
officer's) mind I had done wrong. They warned me that the
Internal Security Act was to retrain minds towards goodness,
to offer me a chance to realize my mistakes and an
opportunity to repent. They would repeatedly emphasize that I
could not lie as they knew everything and that my perception
of events and ideas was totally wrong. They said that they
would correct me and I must accept their perceptions. They
warned me that they wanted me to co-operate and that if I did
so the interview would finish quickly and I would be free but
that if I didn't I would go to the detention center and it
would be the end of my and my family's life.

59. These warnings were repeatedly given to me every time I
tired from the questions that were being continuously hurled
at me. There was no let up in the interrogation or the
threats or the warnings despite their being aware of my
medical condition and my state of exhaustion.

60. I had had just one small meal since my arrest early on
the morning of the 14 September 1998. I had had no rest or
sleep and had lost all track of time. I was sick. My
interrogators did not care at all about my condition. At some
point of time in the night or the early hours of the morning,
shortly before they returned me to the cell, they began
asking me whether I knew why I was there in their hands. I
said I did not know and they would then tell me that it had
to do with Anwar. When I would tell them that I was his
English speech writer they would respond by saying that they
knew. They would then ask me to think of my position and that
I had to help them and the nation. They would tell me how.

61. I knew of nothing wrong in my status of being Anwar's
speech writer and friend. They would then alternatively yell,
shout or advise that my perceptions were wrong and that they
would tell me how to help them and the nation.

62. They finally asked me to think of my status and that they
would see me soon.

63. After hours of this rough and humiliating interrogation I
was once again blindfolded and handcuffed and led back down
the five flights of stairs to my cell. I was pushed in and my
blindfold and handcuffs were removed.

64. I had been barely in my cell for a few minutes when the
peephole opened and someone peered in and jeered at me. The
person muttered abuse in Bahasa before slamming shut the

65. I did not know what time it was. I could only guess that
it was well into the morning of 15 September 1998. I was
exhausted. I tried to rest on the wooden platform but was
unable to do so with the overhead bright light and the noise
from the vent.

66. There was the loud knock on the door again and once more
my number was called out and the door opened. I was already
on my feet. I was asked to take my bath. Fazed out, dazed,
exhausted I was led to the bathroom, my head held forcibly
down. The water from the overhead pipe was cold. I had hardly
started when I was told to stop and to get out. I did not
even dry myself but hurriedly put on my pajama pants and the
T-shirt. I forgot again to switch off the light and got
yelled again because of that. I was led back to my cell, head
down. My clothes were wet and uncomfortable and with the
light on and the noise from the vent I could not sleep.

67. A short while later there was a knock on the door. The
number calling and door opening ritual was repeated. I was
asked to put my plastic bowl outside the door. I did so and a
guard poured plain tea in it. A slice of white bread was
placed on a grill bar in the door and I was ordered to pick
it up. I carried the bowl and bread into my cell. This was my

68. A little later my number was called out again and a man
walked into my cell. He asked if I remembered him. He said he
was `Mr. Nice Guy'. He said he was taking me to the Hospital.

69. My chest pains, palpitations, breathlessness and numbness
in my arm had continued from the morning of 14 September
right through the night's interrogation.

70. I was once again blindfolded and handcuffed and led down
one or two floors. I was then put in a vehicle of some sort.

I was unable to see out and both the blindfold and handcuffs
were kept on throughout the entire journey. When the van
stopped someone came into the back of the vehicle and removed
my blindfold and handcuffs. I saw that it was the officer
calling himself `Mr. Nice Guy' who had done that. He warned
me that this was a special privilege being given to me and
that I was to behave myself while with the doctor. He warned
me that I was under their complete surveillance all the time.

71. I can only guess that the time now would have been
somewhere after 8.00 a.m..

72. When I was first brought out of the van the sunlight
bothered my eyes. I saw the emergency services signboard of
the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. There were four police
officers constantly circling me. I was taken to a see a lady
doctor who wore a tag that, I think, read `Dr. Shymala Devi'.

My number was given to the doctor. They also handed to her a
file which they had with them. I was sent for an ECG and a
urine test. I also had a chest x-ray done and then was
brought back to the same doctor. She did a cursory physical
examination and then prescribed five different medications
which were handed to the police officers. I was returned to
the van, placed inside it, once again blindfolded and
handcuffed and taken back to my cell.

73. They left me alone for a short while after that and then
brought a small packet of rice with a piece of fried fish
which again had the same rancid taste and was inedible. I
forced myself to eat some of it but felt sick and
uncomfortable and lightheaded immediately after doing so.

74. After this `lunch' I was removed once again from my cell
after being first blindfolded and handcuffed. I was taken up
the 50 steps to the previous night's interrogation room. The
same four officers were there. Their attitude, initially, was
different. They started by talking about the hospital, how
about they cared for me and how they were not taking any
chances with me. One asked me to sit. The chair was unstable
and I said that I would rather stand. I remained standing.

After a while I was given a different chair.

75. There was at first a preliminary exchange about the
medication that I had been given at the hospital that
morning. After that one of the four started on the
interrogation. He asked if I had thought about things and
about how I could help them and the country. I responded by
talking about the Journal I had started and about how that
had put Malaysia on the world map. They stopped me and warned
me that I was on the wrong track. They asked me to
concentrate on Anwar.

76. I still could not understand what they wanted from me on
Anwar and I asked them. Finally one of them asked if I had
read the affidavits that had been published in the papers
about Anwar. I said yes but not in any great detail. One of
them said that there were sexual allegations, particularly of
a homosexual nature, against Anwar in those affidavits. I
told them that so far as I knew Anwar was not involved in any
such sexual activities and that in all the years I had known
him he had always conducted himself with integrity. I told
them that it was easy to make such allegations. They said
they would show me evidence. They asked me to think and
concentrate on such homosexual activities. I asked if they
were making allegations against me. They denied this and
merely said they wanted me to think about these things. They
said that their senior Officer wanted results and once they
had results they would let me sleep and would not disturb me.

I told them that I had never had a homosexual relationship in
my entire life. They said they knew that that was my
perception of things but that my perception of things was
wrong, that they had to retrain my mind to see what was right
and wrong, that they would show me how. Once again they went
into how the Internal Security Act was there to help to
rehabilitate minds and people. They said they would show me
how. They said they did not want to fail with me and have me
sent off to the detention center. They said that my family
would be completely destroyed if that happened.

77. For the first time at this session they also introduced a
threat involving the presence of US agents in Malaysia. They
said that the US agents were here and were working with them
and were already checking into my background with a view to
canceling my pending application for US citizenship and
revoking my green card.

78. For hours the interrogation veered between my
rehabilitation, the retraining of my mind, the position and
well-being of my family, the possibility of my being put away
in a detention center, of losing everything I had, my wife,
my children, my work, my freedom, of losing my pending US
citizenship, of being ultimately deported from Malaysia. I
was constantly reminded that I could help the nation, that
Anwar was a threat, that the Senior Officers wanted results.

The style was always the same with all four of them throwing
questions at me and not allowing me to marshall my thoughts
and answer them.

79. As the interrogation progressed one or more of the four
officers would, without warning, break into loose vulgar
language. One would make statements like `Anwar fucks, you
fuck' and the rest would laugh. Another would then make a
derogatory remark about the Punjabis being big fuckers and
offer me a cigarette.

80. I always felt lightheaded after I smoked one of their

81. The interrogation would then switch back to my work, my
vulnerability being an alien in Malaysia, my family, and
then, just as suddenly switch back to vulgarity and Anwar and
homosexuality. They would make lewd remarks, asking me about
the size of my penis using expressions like `dick', `cock'.

They would ask me for its length, its diameter, asking me
whether I would like to put it in someone's `arse'. They
asked how I would feel if I had someone's meat `shoved up my
arse', whether I would like to put my `meat in someone's
arse', that they could arrange `it' and everything else
there, that when I went to the detention center I would have
`it' done to me regularly.

82. This switching in the interrogation continued unabated
right throughout the time I was with them. Except for the
brief periods I was in the cell the interrogation never let
up. Sometime in the course of the second day one new
interrogator joined the team but the interrogation was
usually conducted by four of them at any one time. Gradually
they began to introduce Anwar's name more into the abuse and
began to make him play a more active part in their lewd
descriptions of homosexual and non-homosexual sex. They began
to make suggestions that Anwar enjoyed homosexual sex. They
asked me to think about homosexual sex, about `fucking'
Anwar, about Anwar `fucking' me. They asked me to groan as if
I was being `fucked' and enjoying it. In that situation, in
their hands, I had little choice but to groan and moan as my
captors wanted me to. I acted as they wanted me to. They were
bullies and I was in their hands. They asked me if I sucked
cocks and then asked me to pretend I was sucking a big
lollipop. They asked me if I had seen Anwar's cock and then
asked me to pretend I was sucking the cock of the `DPM', as
one officer crudely put it. As I acted out the demeaning,
humiliating parts they gave me, they laughed and asked if it
was good.

83. By the end of the second day the long hours of
interrogation, the lack of sleep, and the lack of decent food
had left me completely disoriented and exhausted. My health
was deteriorating and I was extremely worried about my

84. I was only given my medication when my captors remembered
to do so.

85. I remember the second day's interrogation ending with my
interrogators' warning to me to think about all they had said
and that they would be seeing me again shortly. They said
that I could give a great gift to the nation and that the
country would be forever grateful to me. Their parting words,
in unison, were `Fuck Anwar'. I was then handcuffed and
blindfolded and led back to my cell.

86. I had no idea of time.

87. My cell had no pillow or anything that even remotely
resembled comfort. The wooden platform that was to be my bed
was half my height. If I lay down straight half my body hung
over the side. The only way I could lie on the platform was
in the fetal position. The light and the sound from the vent
made sleep impossible.

88. The walls of the cell were thick and appeared soundproof.

89. Each time I was made to walk the corridor outside my cell
the silence of the place had overwhelmed me. I heard no
sounds other than an occasional cough and so sensed there
were others in the cells adjoining mine.

90. Lying there curled up in that fetal position I could only
replay in my mind what my captors had repeatedly drummed into
me: the sex acts they asked me to act out, the vulnerable
position that I was in, that my wife and children were in. I
thought repeatedly about the US agents I had been told were
already here working with my captors and wondered what lies
were being told to them. In that silence, in that cell I was
alone and very far from normalcy and truth and felt
increasingly that no one could help me or my family. We had
no money, no savings, nothing. I thought of being detained
indefinitely, of losing my job, of my family being destitute
and alone in a foreign country, of the influence of the
Malaysian police on the US Government to cancel my
immigration green card and my pending US citizenship
application. I thought of being penniless, of being deported
with no visible means of support. I thought of all this and I
thought of sleep and food and the love of my family and I

91. I had done nothing wrong but I was deeply frightened. I
felt hopelessly outnumbered and very vulnerable.

92. I dreaded the knock on the door and the calling of number
`26'. But it inevitably came with my bathtime. I was slow
again and again I was scolded as if I was a child. I was
bundled down the corridor, with my head held down, into the
bathroom. Once again I was hurried out of the bathroom, the
bath incomplete and sent back to my cell.

93. A little later I was given breakfast. It was the same
weak tea in a plastic bowl and a slice of plain white bread
that was placed on the grill bar for me to take as if I was a

94. Another knock, another call of number `26' and tired as I
was I stood up, waiting for my captors. This time they came
with the blindfolds and the handcuffs and blindfolded and
handcuffed I was once again, alternately led, guided and
dragged by the cuffs up the 50 steps. At the top of the 50
steps the blindfold was taken off and the guard made lewd
gestures with his hands and fingers and then pushed me
through the door. I was not made to turn left as previously
but dragged past a maze of doors along the corridor which was
dark save for a red light, as in a darkroom, in the far
distance. I kept fearing the impression of a black abyss that
seemed to flank the corridor on my right and feared stepping
off into some sort of void. I was taken through a final door
and walked into a room which was as before brightly lit.

95. There was one man seated alone at a table. I had never
seen him before. He asked me to sit. I did so and he then
asked me for my personal history. I was too tired to resist
or to ask why they were asking for the same information
repeatedly. He wrote everything down. He questioned me on
everything I had done, my childhood, my studies, my work, my
family, everything. It was a long exhausting session.

Everything was `Why?'. Even as to the birth of my children it
was `why? why were they born?', or the death of my father,
`why? why did he die?' At times this officer drove me to
desperation and to despair. But he never stopped hammering
away at me.

96. Sometime during this interrogation the original four
officers entered the room and joined this fifth officer. They
then took over the interrogation while the fifth officer left
the room. The four reverted to the trend of the first two
days. They warned me and then threatened me and abused me in
turn. They threw questions at me but did not wait for
answers. Each cut into the other's line of questioning and
kept interrupting my train of thought. I was warned that I
had been sacked from my jobs, that the US investigators had
completed their work and were about to return with their
recommendation that my green card and citizenship be revoked,
that I still had time to co-operate to save myself and my
family, that they would tell me how I could help the nation
and myself. They kept on drumming into me that my perception
of things was wrong, that I had forgotten, that I had to
listen to them. The abuse centered around my penis, its
length and size, human genitalia, vaginal and anal sex. They
never stopped talking about sex, repeatedly stating that they
had to fuck Anwar. They made me simulate anal sex by lying
down on the floor. They instructed me to first `fuck' someone
and then be `fucked' by someone. They asked me to groan and
moan while I was doing it.

97. The fifth officer came back into the room and joined the
original four. He took over the questioning but this time
went on a new and different line. He said that he had been to
Pakistan, said that sex there was repressed and regressed. He
said that homosexuality was a way of life in Pakistan and
suggested that I should share my sex life details with them.

98. It became apparent that this routine and the haranguing
was going to go on for ever. Truth and my denials were
getting me nowhere. I was at the point of collapse and could
not go on. I knew I had to play along with them.

99. The fifth officer took out a cigarette from a pack that
was in his pocket and offered it to me. I was always given a
cigarette from a black pack. The officers when they smoked
always seemed to take cigarettes from other packs. The
cigarette tasted unusual but good. Every time I smoked one of
their cigarettes I felt strangely lightheaded and `woozy'.

100. He suggested that it was natural in Pakistan. I looked
at him. He stared at me and then pointed at my anus. I was
dead tired. I nodded my head. He smiled and said `good'. It
now became a sequence where they asked questions and I nodded
in acquiescence and when they asked for details I made up
whatever pleased them. Gradually they made up a story about a
non-existent `Parvez' and some University liaison. They
wanted me to be the active partner and insisted on that
feature in the Parvez story. I denied this but they would
have it no other way stating that it was the Pakistani way of

101. The original four interrogators then repeated the
fictional Parvez `story' to me and made me repeat it to them,
again and again, all the while reminding me that my
perception of things had been wrong, that I had forgotten and
that they were helping to rehabilitate me and to remind me,
insisting that those in a homosexual relationship cannot give
it up.

102. At one point in their haranguing and their suggestions
that I was a homosexual I asked if they knew biology and
suggested a medical examination would confirm homosexuality.

They ignored this and for a long time made me talk about the
male and female sex organs. They wanted graphics and made me
draw these, over and over. They talked incessantly about anal
sex, giving me extensive biological details about the size
and shape of the penis in relation to the male anus.

103. They switched, as they pleased, between graphical and
explicit sexual details and threats to me and my family's
future, between the good of Malaysia and Anwar being a threat
to the country, between prolonged detention for me and the
promise of non-disturbed sleep, between being a destitute and
penniless and a golden future in a new Malaysia rid of Anwar,
between Pakistani society's repressed sexual urges and
University sexual exploits in the US that they had read about
in magazines.

104. They wanted details of University sexual activities in
the US and when I had none to give, refused to take no for an
answer. They claimed they knew all about what happened in
Universities in the US, that the girls did nothing but
`screw' all day and all night long, that sex was cheap and
easy and free there. They insisted, again and again, that I
had a free sex life there. They suggested, in turn, the
number of times I had sex a day. One of them would suggest
twice daily, then the next would increase to three, the third
officer would suggest five times. They settled finally on 5
to 6 times a day and kept on repeating the numbers, asking me
to tell them, to tell them, to agree, to agree until in
desperation I nodded my head even though nothing like this
had happened. And immediately the let-up in their intensity
of questioning and the comment, "See we told you. It is there
in you. Your perception of things is wrong. We are helping
you." A cigarette from the black pack was always given to me
a as reward whenever I gave in to them.

105. Then they would start again. Again the same style, the
same repetitive questioning. This time they would ask for
details of oral sex in US Universities. They would describe
it and then expect me to endorse things. They asked for
names. I had none to give and they wouldn't accept that. They
said I had to give them names. I gave them a fictional name
`Joe', and once again there was an immediate but momentary
let-up in intensity. And then they wanted more details about
`Joe' and I had to make them up. When I did so they gave me a
cigarette as a reward. The cigarettes always had an unusual

106. A long time after `Joe' was created they stopped and
after blindfolding and handcuffing me they sent me back to
the cell. Their parting words to me were that Anwar had
brought me to Malaysia to `screw' him, that I should think
about that, that they would see me soon. They shouted `fuck
Anwar' and sent me off.

107. I had by now no idea of what day or date it was. I had
no idea of the time. My last sight of sunshine or the sky had
been when I was brought back from the Kuala Lumpur General
Hospital. My passage of time was regulated by the knocks on
my cell door, my hasty scurried baths, the scanty breakfasts
I was given, the dreaded journey up the 50 steps and the
interminable long hours in that room with my interrogators.

108. My division of days in this statement is by the number
of `breakfasts' I was served.

109. There was no sleep huddled on that wooden platform in my

110. The ritual hurried bath, accompanied by abuse and rough
handling, and the tea and slice of dangled bread came soon
after I was returned to the cell.

111. Then there was the same knock, the call of my number
`26', the blindfold, the handcuffs and the long climb back to
the interrogation chamber.

112. This time there was one Chinese interrogator in the
room. He was alone and he started the interrogation before
the others came by once again taking down my particulars and
then questioning me on the Journal that I had been editing.

113. Shortly after that a second interrogator came in and cut
into the questioning by lecturing me on culture, ideology and
religion. He said that he was educating me. When he tired the
Chinese officer took over and went back to the Journal. They
switched between the Journal, the lectures, my role to
Malaysia, the needs of my family, my status, and the
cancellation of my detention order.

114. The other two came in progressively and took their
seats. There was an immediate warning when all four were
there that I was wasting their time and that I had to get on
with things, to move on, that their senior officer was
waiting for results. They repeatedly warned me that my
detention order under the Internal Security Act was ready.

115. They asked for dates and times of sexual encounters. I
had none to give. They became angry and abusive and
threatening. They went back to sex in the US and asked for
more names.

116. I fabricated an `Andre'. There was again a momentary
let-up in the interrogation, again a statement about my
perceptions being wrong, that I had forgotten, that they were
reminding me and correcting them, again a warning that if I
concentrated the pattern would surface, that I had to have a
tendency towards homosexuality. They nodded in agreement,
smiled, gave me a cigarette, claimed to know about this
fictitious `Andre' and said that they had been told about
`Andre' by the US agents then in Kuala Lumpur. 117. `Andre'
was someone created by me that morning in absolute

118. This went on for a long time.

119. Sometime during the interrogation they brought me a
packet of the same rice and peculiar tasting fried fish that
I had been given previously. All the rice meals they gave me
tasted `off' and made me uncomfortable and `woozy'. I ate
what little I could of it but the questioning continued even
during that.

120. They then introduced the previous session's sexual
scenario into the interrogation and started pressurizing me
for details. When I had none to give they asked that I think
about them while they waited for their senior officer to come
back. In the meantime they went into other details and
descriptions of oral sex.

121. Then the reverted back to their pattern of interrogation
but now began to concentrate more on Anwar. They reminded me
again and again that Anwar was a homosexual, that I had
`fucked' him, that they had proof of it. They opened a bag,
took out some photographs and threw them on the table. These
were normal regular photographs. Two were of me, one alone
and one with a person known as Khalid Jaffar. There was
another photograph of a person they said was `Mior'. I did
not know this `Mior'.

122. I remember two of the interrogators leaving at one point
and then returning and bringing with them some of my written
work taken from my house. One of them made an immediate
threat when he came in that I was playing tricks on them. He
claimed that he had tried printing material from a disk taken
from my house and was unable to do so because I had hidden
the material. I denied this, telling him that he had been
probably unable to read the file. He warned that the
detention order was still pending.

123. Suddenly one of the four screamed at me to stand up. I
did so. All four came from behind the table and surrounded me
in a very aggressive manner as if they were about to assault
me. One of them literally had his face in mine. They all
screamed at me, in my ears, loudly, again and again and
again, that I had fucked Anwar, fucked Anwar, fucked, fucked,
Anwar, Anwar. They screamed and screamed and screamed, in my
ears, at my face, at me, again and again, over and over
asking me to say `yes' until I gave in and broke down saying
yes, yes. They stopped screaming. That was what they wanted
to hear. They were not interested that it was untrue.

124. They gave me a cigarette and allowed me to smoke it.

125. The interrogation continued.

126. There were frequent interruptions between the
interrogators. They kept switching topics.

127. Whenever it suited them I was made to lie on the floor
and simulate anal sex with Anwar. I was asked to alternate as
if I was on top of Anwar and then Anwar on top of me.

128. All this was humiliating, and depressing and degrading.

It descended into vulgarity both in their actions and in
their words. But they never stopped. They embarrassed me,
ridiculed me, laughed at me, claimed I had a prized arse,
reminded me that not many people in the world had the
privilege of `screwing' and being `screwed' by a Deputy Prime

129. These were all lies but I had to suffer them, listen to

130. They repeatedly drilled into my mind that my perceptions
were wrong, that they were educating me, rehabilitating me,
showing me how I was helping Malaysia and my family, that my
only way out from there was to give them what the nation

131. They came back to the issue of sex and placed the
photograph of `Mior' on the table. They asked for details of
the man. I told them that I did not know him. They said I had
`screwed' Mior. I denied that.

132. They went back to Anwar and anal sex and my perceptions.

Step by step, by alternately shouting and screaming and
questioning, by cajoling and threatening, by warnings about
detention and my family, they made repeat after them again
and again, that I had engaged in sexual misconduct with Anwar
on several occasions. They made me say that I was sorry about
it all, that I was ashamed and repented that all this had
happened. At stages they would stop to ensure that the
information had been drilled into me and would then continue.

They made me say that I was forced into it because I feared
for my job and that if I refused Anwar's advances my
employment would be in jeopardy, that I would lose important
financial resources. They made me say that it hurt me a lot
that this kind of behavior was coming from a person who
claimed to be a pious Muslim and that he had betrayed a lot
of Muslims in this country and the whole Muslim world who had
looked up to him as an inspiring leader. They made me say
that every time I engaged in this act it was a disgusting
experience for me. These were all lies made up by the ISA

133. They wanted to fix details and asked me to choose a
month. I could not because there had never been any
homosexual relationship between me and Anwar. There was
nothing for me to choose. They said they would help and then
started going through my work in Malaysia. They went through
the details; that I first met Anwar in 1984; that I first
came to Malaysia in 1986; that I only visited in 1986, 1987
and 1988; that I first began living in Malaysia in 1988. My
interrogators were struggling to fix a time. My interrogators
settled on March 1993 because in their interrogations they
determined that after 1993 my speech-writing activities for
Anwar were reduced considerably. This was because Anwar
became the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister and his
emphasis was more on finance and I could not help. Sometimes
when an intellectual speech was to be made, a draft would be
faxed to me and I would edit it.

134. They knew from their interrogation of me that in 1993 I
lived at Bukit Damansara with my wife and children.

135. So they picked the month - it would be March 1993. I
traveled a lot at that time and hoped, to myself, that I had
been abroad in March 1993 - I could have been in New Delhi,
or Casablanca or in Qatar for a conference or back to my home
in the US. I did not tell them this.

136. They determined for the purposes of their fabricated
version that Anwar would call me over for a chat, that this
would be about a week or 10 days after he became DPM, that I
would go over, that this would be my last informal contact
with him.

137. Then there would be the demand that I endlessly repeat
the details they had settled on until they were drilled into

138. And so it went on and on until they had made up the
whole story. There was no rest for me, no let up in the
intensity of their interrogation.

139. When they were finally satisfied with my repetition of
the details they switched back to telling me that the higher
authorities had been contacted about me, that they were happy
with my co-operation and performance. They offered me a
cigarette and then left me alone in the room for a short

140. A little later another officer walked in. This was the
person who eventually took me to see a magistrate for a
statement to be recorded from me. He was very stern when he
walked in. He shouted at me to stand up. I did so. He came
and stood in front of me. He said that they were canceling my
identity card, that steps had been taken to send me to the
detention center and then eventually to deport me. He
declared that my US citizenship was in serious jeopardy and
that the US agents in Malaysia looking into things had
decided to revoke it. My family had been told to pack up. He
warned me that I had nothing left unless I agreed to serve
the country, that I had only one option and that was to
co-operate with them. He then started on a very emotional
speech about loving Malaysia, about sacrifices, about
fighting for and giving one's life in defense of Malaysia,
about defending Malaysia, about going to jail for Malaysia.

He screamed at me whether I was prepared to do all that. He
screamed `answer, answer, answer.' I was stunned and all I
could say was `yes, yes, yes'. He thumped his shoes on the
floor, raised his arm in the air and shouted `Hidup Malaysia'
and then turned and walked out.

141. I stood rooted to the floor and was still standing when
the four interrogators walked back in. They asked me to sit
and told me I had done a good job. They offered me a
cigarette and told me that it was only 4 to 5 months and that
I shouldn't worry. This was the first time there had been any
mention of these 4 to 5 months and I asked them what they
meant. They said that was the sentence I would get. I
protested but they said I was not to worry. They offered me
another cigarette and laughed and said I had a great `cock'.

142. The earlier officer walked back in again. He asked me to
stand again and told me that he had spoken to his seniors and
everything had to be done that day, that night. He was
waiting for his senior officers to arrive. He left the room
in the same way, a thump with his feet on the floor, a raised
arm and a screamed `Hidup Malaysia'.

143. A little later he returned and spoke privately to the
four interrogators. Two of the four then left the room. At
this point four new officers walked in. I had never seen them
before. All those in the room saluted the four newcomers.

Three of the newcomers went and sat in the chairs that had
been originally occupied by the four interrogators. One of
the four stood near the door. The `Hidup Malaysia' officer
also remained standing. The remaining two original
interrogators now left the room, shutting the door behind
them. The others addressed the man who sat in the middle as

144. This `Dato' spoke first in a cold tone. He started by
telling me that they were after Anwar and that they wanted
him. He said that Anwar had done great damage to the nation
and that I could help them a lot by agreeing to admit to a
homosexual liaison with Anwar. He added that this would be a
service to the nation and would be a sacrifice for which I
would be handsomely rewarded, that all my problems would be
resolved, that I would be given Malaysian citizenship, that I
would be given very well paid jobs and more importantly that
I would be a free man and that my family would remain intact.

He assured me that they would liase with the US agents to
resolve my US citizenship status satisfactorily. He said that
his officers had told him I had agreed to die for the nation
but that he had no desire to punish me since I was a victim
of Anwar's lust and after all what was 4 to 5 months when
compared to death. He concluded by telling me that by helping
them to get Anwar I was helping to rid the nation of a
traitor and that they were after Anwar and not me.

145. The man on the Dato's left then took over. He said that
they would arrange for me to be taken to make a statement of
a sexual liaison with Anwar and that things would be all
right after that. He said that they would make all these
arrangements subtly, that their officer would brief me
further on the language but that they could not come into the
picture as otherwise Anwar and his men would accuse the
police. He made no mention of court proceedings, of a
sentence or of a jail though he kept assuring me to believe
in them and to trust that they would look after all of my and
my family's needs. They consoled me that my wife could call
on them for help at any time and that my safety and that of
my family was their main concern.

146. I was numb from fear and worry.

147. When he was finished the three seated officers stood up.

The junior officers saluted, everyone of them shouted `Hidup
Malaysia' and they all left.

148. This must have been very late into the night. I was left
alone for a few minutes. Then all the four interrogators
walked in. One came over and slapped me on my back and said
that I had done a good job and that they could now `fuck'
Anwar Ibrahim.

149. One of the four interrogators left the room. A little
later he returned with their `senior' officer. The senior
officer told me that he was happy with me and that my NRIC
would not be canceled. He added that he would discuss the
details of the matter with his seniors and would come back to
me but that in the meantime I should think about things and
should rest.

150. I was then blindfolded and handcuffed and taken down the
50 steps and returned to my cell.

151. Once again I was asked to take an early hurried bath and
then given my tea and slice of bread. But unlike the previous
days I was not after that immediately taken to the

interrogation room. Instead I was left in my cell.

152. Some time later one of the guards came into the cell and
told me that they were taking me out. I did not understand
what he meant. He handed me the clothes and slippers that I
had been wearing when I was arrested and asked me to get

153. I was then once again handcuffed and blindfolded and led
out of the cell. I think I was taken one or two floors down
and then put into a vehicle. I recollect the vehicle being
driven for a long time. It then stopped and I heard a door
being opened and a short while later my blindfold was
removed. I noticed I was in a van with oversized blacked-out
windows. They immediately replaced the blindfold with a pair
of glasses which were "fuzzy" and did not allow me to focus.

154. They then transferred me to the back seat of a Proton
car. I was wedged between two officers. The car moved off and
after a short drive someone suddenly removed the fuzzy
glasses . I noticed that we were in the vicinity of the
Sultan Abdul Samad Building. One of the officers beside me
put a jacket over my handcuffs, presumably to hide them. I
noticed that the car was being driven erratically. One of the
officers pushed me down on the seat so that I could not be

155. When the car stopped I found that I was at Bukit Aman. I
was asked to get out of the car and one of the officers
removed my handcuffs. I then saw one of the senior officers
who had interrogated me walking towards the car. He spoke to
two of the officers who had been in the Proton car. The three
of them took me to a cafeteria where they ordered some food.

This was the first meal I had had since my arrest.

156. While we were at the cafeteria Inspector Mazlan who had
arrested me came to the table and told me that that he was
now handing me over to another officer. There was an Indian
officer with him at that time. This Indian officer was later
identified to me when I was warded in the Cardiac
Rehabilitation Ward of the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital as
`Rajakopal'. I am now told by my lawyers that Rajakopal is
the named complainant on the charge sheet filed against me in
the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court. I had never met or seen this
Rajakopal before that day. This Rajakopal only stayed there a
short while.

157. Throughout the period I was at that cafeteria the three
interrogators stayed with me.

158. After Rajakopal left, the senior officer once again
started telling me that my family would be proud of me and
that they were safe. He reminded me that I was doing them and
the nation a great service for which I would be remembered.

He then said it was time to take me for the statement to be
recorded from me the way I had been briefed the night before
and then added as an obvious warning that all my Internal
Security Act detention problems would be resolved after I had
given the statement.

159. They again put me in the car and hid me by making me
bend forward. When the car finally stopped and I was taken
out I noticed that I was in the Court complex.

160. At the Court while we were walking I was constantly
being reminded of what I had to say in my statement to the

161. We sat down in one of the rooms for a while. I think
they were having trouble because photographers were following
them. They wanted to avoid the exposure. We went to an office
on 2nd or 3rd Floor. They had hustled me through a maze of
corridors. I could not keep track of where we were going. I
was then brought down and made to walk to a room where I was
told a magistrate was waiting.

162. ASP Mazlan had accompanied me to the Magistrate's Court.

A senior ISA officer was also there. ASP Mazlan went into the
Magistrate's room and took me in. The ISA officer waited

163. The Magistrate talked to me in Malay. I said that I
needed an interpreter. An interpreter, I think he was called
Affendi, was brought in. At that point the Magistrate told
ASP Mazlan and the other police officers who had accompanied
him to leave the room. That left only me, the Magistrate and
Affendi in that room.

164. The Magistrate wrote some particulars on some ruled
paper. She had some sort of guide-sheet on her left to which
she kept referring. She wrote a paragraph or so; her name,
etc. .... am here with ....my name.... She wrote and read it
back to me.

165. She asked me whether I agreed; whether I wanted to
change anything or add anything, etc.

166. I said, "no".

167. She wrote my name, her name, my I/C., her I/C No., etc.

168. Then she signed and asked me to sign.

169. At some point she asked if I was there of my own free
will and made a remark about my being alone in her room. I
didn't know whether to laugh or cry because she was
completely missing the point that I had been brought there by
my captors and interrogators, that they were waiting outside
her room and that when I was finished I was going to be
handed back to them and taken back to my small cell. My life
and my freedom and that of my family was in the hands of the
police. They would surely know everything that was done or
said in that room and they had in fact told me that they
would get a copy of what had been recorded there, so what
free will could I exercise.

170. The irony of her writing that I was making a statement
of my own free will and reading back that statement to me and
then asking me to sign it hit me very hard. She read back
that statement to me. She signed. She asked me to sign. She
repeated that only the three of us were present in that room.

We signed again.

171. She then asked me to give my statement.

172. I narrated all that I had been asked to state by my

173. After she recorded my statement I signed as she
requested. When she was finished she called back ASP Mazlan.

The other Internal Security Act officers were waiting
outside. After I had been handed back to ASP Mazlan and the
Internal Security Act officers, I was handcuffed, placed in a
car and taken to Bukit Aman. There I was made to sit in a
room in the Tower Block. I think this was on the 10th floor
in ASP Mazlan's office.

174. While there I was once again fingerprinted and

175. A little later ASP Mazlan came to me and commented on
the statement I had given to the Magistrate. He said that it
was weak and that it had no dates or time in it or places or
details. I told him that my interrogators the previous night,
in particular the senior officer, had briefed me on what to
say in the statement. In fact that senior officer had
reminded me once again that afternoon of what was at stake in
my life if I did not stick to what was expected of me.

176. ASP Mazlan then asked me whether I had a lawyer. I said
I did not. He said to me that I was not to worry and that he
had one for me. ASP Mazlan never at this point of time, or
before or after that, tell me that my wife had already
engaged a lawyer for me and that that lawyer had already been
in contact with Police Headquarters right from the first day
of my arrest.

177. He then made a telephone call and spoke to someone. I
did not know who he was talking to. He mentioned a name to me
- Yacob Karim - and after telling me that he was to be my
lawyer handed the phone to me. This Yacob Karim reminded me
that we had met at a conference in Sarawak. This was once
some six years ago. I had never met this Yacob Karim after
that and did not know where his office was or his telephone
numbers. I was nevertheless relieved that here at last was
someone I had met, even if once six years ago, and that
perhaps I would get some assistance from him. Yacob Karim
said that he would see me soon. I thought I was speaking to
Yacob Karim while he was in his office.

178. About 5 to 10 minutes later ASP Mazlan said to me that
he was taking me to this lawyer, Yacob Karim. We left his
office and ASP Mazlan took along a copy of the statement
recorded by the Magistrate.

179. I was mentally prepared to being driven out of Bukit
Aman to some office somewhere. Instead the elevator stopped
at either the 3rd or 5th floor. I thought that ASP Mazlan was
stopping there to pick something else up. He asked me to get
out and follow him. We entered a room in which I saw a table
and two chairs. I was asked to sit. Hardly had I done so when
this Yacob Karim walked in through another door.

180. All I can say is that it was a pre-arranged thing and
that when ASP Mazlan spoke to Yacob Karim a little earlier
this Yacob Karim was already there in the Police

181. Yacob Karim sat at the table across from me. His first
statement to me was that he was sorry that it, the sodomy,
had happened to me. I was shocked at this as it showed that
he had been briefed by the police and even more shocked that
he believed it. He had a copy of the statement with him.

182. ASP Mazlan and another unidentified police officer were
present throughout the time I was with Yacob Karim.

183. Yacob Karim then proceeded to tell me that arrangements
were being made and that I would be taken to a Sessions Court
the next day and that I would have to plead guilty to a
charge and to admit to the offense. I asked him why I was
being asked to plead guilty and he replied that otherwise
they could not proceed with the case against Anwar. He said
arrangements had been made to get me a light sentence. To
every question that I asked him after that he gave me a stock
answer - "Don't ask me. Ask the Police."
184. He then proceeded to ask some brief questions about my
background, made some handwritten notes and added that he had
got my background from the police. He kept assuring me
throughout that the sentence would be lenient and that it
would be a few months. I tried telling him that I had done no
wrong but he in reply told me that I should not worry and
that I was doing a great service to the nation, that the
nation of Malaysia would remember me for these services.

185. Yacob Karim left after that.

186. Yacob Karim never at any time spoke about fees or being
retained by me or about informing my wife about my situation.

I am now not surprised at the way he attended to me that
afternoon since his conduct then and subsequently clearly
showed that he was working together with the police in
denying me my rights.

187. After Yacob Karim left, three of my previous
interrogators came into the room. One of them was the Malay
officer who had persistently interrogated me since my move to
the interrogation center. They reminded me of the
arrangements made for the next day and warned me of the
consequences if things went wrong. I was reminded that my
family was vulnerable and that my sacrifice was small for
their and my well-being. I was told that the US agents were
waiting for the next day's proceedings and would leave after
that and that my US citizenship was secure. I was told that
the nation was proud of me, that it was only a small favor
for Malaysia.

188. I was cautioned to be strong the next day and to plead
guilty as the lawyer had told me to do. I was told that I had
to believe the senior ISA officers and that all their
promises would be fulfilled. They told me that I had to
understand their difficulties because Anwar's people were now
my enemies and that they would try to burn my house down and
to hurt me and my family. They said that I had to be away for
5 to 6 months so that things would quieten down but that
after I come out of prison there would be a job waiting for
me. During these 5 to 6 months, they said, my family would be
looked after and that they had already talked to my wife. My
wife now tells me that no one from the Police Headquarters
called her or gave her any information about my whereabouts.

189. After all these warnings I was locked up in a cell at
Bukit Aman and left for the night.

190. By next morning I was a wreck of a man with worry. I was
asked to dress in the same clothes that I had worn when
arrested. I had slippers on my feet and was given a skull cap
to wear to hide my bald head.

191. I was taken to the Court complex by ASP Mazlan and
several other police officers. They adopted various cloak and
dagger tactics to initially keep me hidden and away from the
hordes of photographers there. I was finally taken into a
court. I was shivering and my palpitations were very strong.

My breathing was labored and I had difficulty controlling my
bladder. I remember at some stage somebody giving me
something to wear to stop the shivering but it did not help.

I remember at some point in the middle of the court
proceedings being no more able to control my bladder and
having to be allowed to go and urinate.

192. I was then taken into a Court by ASP Mazlan and many
other police officers. Yacob Karim was in that Court. I saw
ASP Mazlan and the other police officers spread themselves
around the Court. Yacob Karim came to me and handed me two
documents. He said it was the charge which I had to admit. I
saw the documents for the first time that morning. Even in my
condition I was shocked at the details. Yacob Karim told me
not to question anything, just to plead guilty and then, when
asked, to acknowledge that I knew I could be punished for the
offense. He then showed me another sheet which he said were
the facts of the case. He said that when the facts were read
to me I was to admit them and say nothing else. He told me
that he would attend to the rest and that everything had been
taken care of.

193. At one point before the judge came into the Court I saw
a man come near me. He said that he was a lawyer and that my
wife had appointed him to act for me. This man pointed at
Yacob Karim and asked who he was. Yacob Karim came to where I
was and stood there. This man spoke to me rather abruptly and
asked who appointed Yacob. I pointed at ASP Mazlan. ASP
Mazlan appeared angry and immediately gestured that I
shouldn't involve him and pointed towards Yacob. I saw some
of the other plainclothes police officers start to move. I
panicked, wondering what was about to happen and feared for
my wife and children. Yacob who had been quiet suddenly found
his voice and said he was my lawyer. I lost control of myself
then, out of sheer fright. My head was full of the Internal
Security Act, the threats made to me and my family, the
presence of the police there in the court, the warnings that
Anwar supporters would kill me and my family, the need to
keep secret the details of the police as they had demanded. I
felt that if I made a single move that displeased the police
my family would be hurt, that they would bring down their
full force to bear down on my wife and my two young children.

I had already felt the force of their strength.

194. I screamed at this lawyer words to the effect that he
had no right to communicate with my wife or to invade my
privacy. I hoped with that outburst to appease my captors so
that they would leave my family alone. I then spoke out loud
for ASP Mazlan and the other police officers to hear that I
had nothing to do with that lawyer coming there.

195. At some point when I was in that court I saw my wife
there. She appeared petrified, as if cast in stone. She
seemed unable to move like an animal caught in the glare of
the headlights of a moving car. She didn't even blink. She
was totally helpless. So was I.

196. This was the first time I had ever been in a Court. I
haven't even had a parking violation in my 23 years of
continuous living in the US.

197. The proceedings moved fast after that. I did what the
police expected of me. I was trembling uncontrollably
throughout the proceedings. Even a jacket which was placed
over me did not stop me from shaking and shivering
uncontrollably. No one seemed to care. The words, sounds,
sights all floated around me as if I was in a daze. Yacob's
mitigation was now in a written form. I was sentenced and
then handcuffed. Yacob came to me and told me not to worry.

ASP Mazlan came to me and said I now had to face the cameras.

I was taken out and met by hordes of photographers. I was
moved to a cell in the Court complex. Before leaving me there
ASP Mazlan came once again to me and said that the Inspector
General of Police was very happy with the way I had handled
myself in Court.

198. After the Court proceedings I was sent to Kajang Prison
and from there, on 23 September 1998, because of my
deteriorating health, I was rushed to the Institute Jantong
Negara (National Heart Institute) and then transferred to the
Coronary Rehabilitation Ward [Ward 29] at the Kuala Lumpur
General Hospital.

199. While I was at the CRW (Ward 29) in the General Hospital
I was visited at various times by police officers together
with Yacob Karim. They were uninvited visitors who kept on
trying to alternately threaten, convince and advise me
against filing or proceeding with an appeal against the false
conviction and sentence recorded against me on 19 September
1998 by the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court. One of the officers
who came to the CRW ward 29 was a Chief Inspector Rajakopal
whose name is recorded as the complainant on the charge sheet
filed in Sessions Court in my case.

200. The Prison Officers guarding me at the General Hospital
are maintaining a log book of all my movements and visitors
while in Hospital. This has records of the various visits by
Yacob Karim and the police officers coming together,
sometimes beyond regular visiting hours or days.

201. I state categorically that I have never had a homosexual
relationship with Anwar Ibrahim or with anyone else. I
further state categorically that the details of the alleged
homosexual relationship contained in my statement made to the
Magistrate and those given to the Court by the prosecuting
agencies and Yacob Karim on 19 September 1998 were untrue and
were fabricated by the police.

202. I was interrogated over long and continuous sessions. I
was always removed from my cell as No: 26, always blindfolded
and handcuffed. I was systematically humiliated by my captors
who always remained unidentified. They stripped me of all
self-respect; they degraded me and broke down my will and
resistance; they threatened me and my family; they frightened
me; they brainwashed me to the extent that I ended up in
Court on 19 September 1998 a shivering shell of a man willing
to do anything to stop the destruction of my being.

203. I have done no wrong and I am innocent. I am a happily
married man with two lovely children. I was just doing my
work and enjoying it. My captors and my interrogators have
destroyed all that. They have wrongly made me a criminal and
taken away my freedom. They have destroyed my self confidence
and embarrassed me. They have shattered the peace, harmony
and happiness of my family and my simple home.

204. I have had a long standing world wide reputation of
being a respected intellectual individual. It took me years
of hard work to achieve this status. The bibliography of my
work annexed to this sworn declaration is testimony of my
work. My captors for the purposes of their criminal
objectives have unjustly destroyed my image.

205. I did no wrong and I am innocent. God knows that.

and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing
the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the
Statutory Declarations Act, 1960.

Subscribed and solemnly declared by
the above-named Munawar Ahmad Anees

sd Munawar Ahmad Anees

NRIC No:480927-71-5139) at Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan, this 7th day of Nov, 1998)

Before me,

Manmohan Singh a/l Chanan Singh

(Commissioner for Oaths, Malaysia)

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